How to Improve Attention

Ways to improve mood

Learning to be careful is not easy. And attention, to be more precise, its concentration is necessary for many professions, but not all. . . You can't be the best artist and writer without the ability to concentrate; You can’t succeed in business, politics, finance. As a careless person, you can forget to drive, and when you take the subway or public transport, you will miss the necessary stops. In short, life does not look like honey.

A person who does not notice is involuntarily careless and unnecessary. Such people will never reach the heights they want, will never reach their goals, and will never be respected. This means that the situation needs to be corrected. How can you improve your attention span?

You need to learn new habits. And discard some of the old ones. Habits always affect the human psyche, a mental and psychological process that determines and controls the direction of attention. And directing it in the right direction is the main condition for improving the mood. And everyone has the opportunity to do so. . .


To improve your mood, first examine yourself. This does not mean that you have to start a conflict with yourself, it leads to mental deviations from the divided personality. It means being able to analyze situations and events, as well as your thoughts and actions related to these situations and events. Why, for example, do you lose the thread of conversation? Is it because your interlocutor is noisy or unwilling to listen to you that worries you? Therefore, it is necessary to either eliminate the noise, or get rid of such an interlocutor, or stop talking.

Why did you take your word for it? Is this an injustice? Or were you mistaken? So why are you angry? Wouldn’t it be nice to look at yourself and rule out the possibility of such claims in the future. Analyzing what is happening is a great exercise to encourage yourself first, and then to improve your involuntary mood. . .

Two habits

How to improve mood

Don't flash. You can hurry without noise and in a hurry. The desire for infinity is understandable, but as the sages say, it is impossible. Why try to do everything? After all, you can be late everywhere. . .

Third habit

This is directly related to the second habit and the need to refrain from doing more than one thing at a time. However, you will soon get tired and your concentration will weaken. If you miss a lot, there will be mistakes and omissions when doing several things in a row. Why do you need this? In addition, the brain is unable to process any other information efficiently at the same time, which has a negative effect on attention. Our task is not to overload the mind, but to improve. . .

fourth habit

Highlight priorities. This habit is completely derived from the previous one. Highlighting the most important and being able to focus on it is a way to improve the quality of your attention. Believe me, this is not difficult at all. For example, is it more important to submit your assignment on time or to continue typing the text of a letter to be sent tomorrow? The first, of course. Yes, the exercise is over. It needs to be adjusted and made a habit.

It would be nice if you could create a priority plan. It may be in the beginning, but even better - on paper. After completing the most important of them, you can move on to the next priority, and the rest - to the end of the list. . .

fifth habit

Improving attention techniques

It would be good if you could observe yourself and determine for yourself the hours of maximum concentration of energy and attention. Learn the biorhythm in general. For example, you work from eight in the morning until the first half of the day and from six to nine in the evening. So, these are the hours when you have to do the hardest and most responsible work. In the middle of the day, when you feel any lack of energy and mood swings, use it for routine activities that do not require special attention. This habit prevents us from suffering insanely and in vain at times when our physical and mental strength is not in the best shape. And in the hours of mental and physical recovery - it allows you to maximize attention, improve its strength and power.

six common

A quiet environment helps to focus and improve mood. It has already been said how to achieve peace of mind: the absence of futility and noise that causes excitement and anxiety. You also need to eliminate external incentives that hinder you from completing and completing the task ahead. When we find the optimal place for the work to be done, we pay the most attention.

Seven Habits

It has to do with their ability to control their emotions. They connect us with the world around us, with the world around us. There is a flow of information through them, you need to filter it, stay away from all unnecessary things at the moment. And this is done with the help of the mind. For example, when we read, if we pay attention to it, we will not hear any noise. And when we listen to good music, we may not notice what is happening around us. An excellent exercise to improve your focus on the topic you are currently training.

Eighth Habit

This is included in teaching memory, which is very important for mood development. Good memory helps to work. It will take less effort to complete, and you will not be distracted by attention to detail and search for the necessary information. Everything is in our heads, everything is in our hands. Teaching different types of memory - and there are many ways to choose what you like - can help you improve your mood and concentration.

Thus, the habit of improving attention is passed on to the second, third, and so on. b. y. с. When these habits become part of your life and need, the focus on words and actions will be concentrated without much effort on your part. Then success in any business you run is simply guaranteed. . .